Sunday 10 March 2019


Tulsi is a scared holy plant originated in India and planted in houses of every Indian. In India it is known by many names like :- the magical herb, boon herb, life giving herb, Pushpsara, Vrindra etc etc etc. Scientifically it is known as ocimum tenuiflorum and normally as BASIL.

In India Tulsi is sign of holy, spirituality and used not only as a herb but in every aspect of life. In most of the houses in India, Tulsi worshiped as a deity. In India people grow Tulsi as the religious plant and worship it. Its leaves are used in temples for the worship purposes and also on the several occasions such as marriage. A Hindu house is considered incomplete without the Tulsi plant in the courtyard .

Tulsi simply means Purity which purify your life with all positive energy as well as with medical benefits. As per Hindu mythology, Tulsi is even capable of giving a new life to a dead person and that's why today most of the cancerous medicine includes extract of Tulsi. 


  • Stress Killer :- you can say that the Tulsi is a Stress killer herb. For  treatment of any kind of stress, you just need to boil 8-10 Tulsi leaves in water and drinks daily or drink tulsi tea.
  • Immunity Booster :- Intake of tulsi gives you lifetime immunity boost which helps in fighting with diseases like diabeities and high blood pressure.
  • Anti Aging :- Tulsi have Vitamin C and A, phytonutrients,  great antioxidants which protect the skin from almost all the damages caused by free radicals.
  • Holy basil contains vitamin C and antioxidants such as eugenol, which protects the heart from the harmful effects of free radicals. Eugenol also proves useful in reducing cholesterol levels in the blood.
  • Holy basil helps kill bacteria and infections. The primary active compound of holy basil oil is eugenol which helps fight skin related disorders. Ocimum Sanctum helps treat skin infections both internally and externally.
  • Tulsi's anti-inflammatory properties help promote eye health by preventing viral, bacterial and fungal infections. It also soothes eye inflammation and reduces stress.
  • Tulsi is a natural mouth freshener and an oral disinfectant. Ocimum Sanctum can also cure mouth ulcers. Holy basil destroys the bacteria that are responsible for dental cavities, plaque, tartar, and bad breath, while also protecting the teeth.
Nowadays, Tulsi uses in different ways and in different product like soap, oil, juice, medicines and last in every aspect of life.

At last I urge all people to grow Tulsi in their houses and surrounding to save the environment and utilize all the magical benefits of magical herb. 

Saturday 28 May 2016

Cure for Dibeities


  • Today the most dangerous and spreading disease is dibeities. Everyone know what is dibeities and every person spent their 80% of hard earning on the treatment of dibeities. But here i giving you some home made remedy which can help in cure dibeities, the typical indian ayurveda treatment :- 

    1 >

    Brisk Waliking :- Each diebetic should start brisk walking early in the morning for 30 minutes. Rate of walking should be 1Km per 8 Minute. Brisk walking means walk faster then walking bur slower then jogging or runnig.



    Okra Water :- This is the best easiest way to reduce sugar level or even to stop insulin daily dose. Just take two okra or lady finger slice it from the centre into two parts and immerse them in a glass of drinking water. In the early morning empty stomach, dring the okra water after throwing okra . Continue this for atleast one month and see the result. You will be shocked.



    Fenugreek Seeds :- In India, there is nothing without fengreek or maithi in kitchen. We indian use all types of herbs in our food and thats why we eat only healthy food. Persons who does not like okra can used fenugreek seeds. Over night soaked 10-15 fenugreek seeds hepls in preventing type 2  diebeities.



    Meal combination :-  Last and the best practice to cure diebeities is your meal plan through out the day. Right combination of fat, carbohydrate, protein, insulin, minerals and vitamin can cure all diseases.  For diebeities , you should follow the following meal plan or include in your meal plan :-


    # Nuts : You should add mixture of nuts like almonds, walnut and cashew weighing not more then 50 g in a day. Nuts are rich in essential nutrients like fiber, protein, minerals, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, and antioxidants. 


    # Fruits : Serving of two unit of fruits should be included in your meal plan. Fruits provides you the required minerals, vitamins and protein essential for body and metabolism. A diebeitic person can eat Apple, PaPaya , Pear, Black Plum, Water Melon etc. Also you can survive only on fruits in lunch instead of other food items. 


    # Whole Grains : You should include whole grain in your diet like Barley, Spelt, Whole Wheat , ChickPea, oats, Corn , Whole Roye, Brown rice etc. 


    So, When you add this to your diet , you can reduce your blood sugar.  And Smile always as it is the free medicine work in all diseases.

    Feel free to discuss with me on above info .

Friday 27 May 2016


  • All of us daily use this word LOVE in different ways. someone use this to describe his happiness, someone use this to describe his weakness.

    According to study , it is a human emotion only like other emotions but it directly attached to your heart.

    Love is like a bonding who keeps the two person in contact in bond whether actually they are thousands of KM away from each other. It acts like a force which constantly attracts each one towards other. 

    When you are sad or in a problem and want to leave or walk out from the situation but at the same time some force some thing stops you and pushes you to fight against the situation. That force that motivation comes from your love.

    Love is a feeling . In love you think you can do anything for your love . You know that thing is not possible but still you try it for your love.

    For love you want to leave every thing and from everything you want love.

    it have arguments, compromise , sacrifice but at the end love is love. 

Sunday 13 December 2015

                                                        Organ Donation

  • Organ Donation is the process of transplantation of your organs after death to the needy after getting consent from you and your family members.
  • The persons who give the organ known as Donor while who receive the organ known as Recipient.
  • All of us can be organ donors, irrespective of age, caste, religion, community, current or past medical condition. Children can also be organ donors after taking consent for organ donation from their parents.

  • Organs can be donated only when the doctors announce the brain dead condition.
  • Vital Organs like heart, liver, kidneys, intestines, lungs, and pancreas can be donated only in case of 'brain death'. However other tissues like corneas, heart valves, skin, bones etc can be donated only in case of natural death.
  • There is common myth that the dead body is not available for funeral after organ donation. But it is not true , all hospitals and doctors carry out the process of donation with care, respect and dignity and dead body is in condition for funeral as it was before donation process
  • There are nearly 1 Lac people in the world died due to shortage of organs So I request to register yourself for organ donation. It is up to you where you want to put your organs after death i.e in the dustbin or in giving a life to other individual.
  • All of us knew that the God is the one who gives life but by organ donation you are also able to gift a life to someone .
  • By donating, each person can save the lives of upto 7 individuals by way of organ donation and enhance the lives of over 50 people by way of tissue donation. 
  • for organ donation you can contact :-
    1. Mohan Foundation:
    3. Gift Your organ:
    4. Gift a Life:

Saturday 26 September 2015


                                               SAVE THE LIFE - THE ENVIRONMENT

Today all of us heard a good news about the natural diversity. Someone really understand the importance of environment. Yes i am talking about the new right placed by POPE i.e. " Right of The Environment". No one in the world has right to abuse the environment because it is not his own property rather then it is the property of next generations. 
                All of us know it is important for our existence on the earth we must save our environment but none of us do nothing in this matter. All of us have very apathetic thinking about this. There are myriad reason for this movement and in this scenario , announcement from pope is going to be a boon for environment. Not only POPE but also Indian PM Narendra Modi also recognize this and raise the voice of climate changes.
Pope Francis declared before the United Nations on Friday that there is a fundamental "right of the environment" and that mankind has no authority to abuse it, much less destroy it.
At the General Assembly, the largest gathering of dignitaries in the world, Francis said that the environment is a "fundamental good" in all religions, and that a "selfish and boundless thirst" for power and wealth harms the planet and people alike.
The poor suffer most from misuse of natural resources, he said.
"They are cast off by society, forced to live off what is discarded and suffer unjustly from the abuse of the environment," Francis said in Spanish. "They are part of today's widespread and quietly growing culture of waste."

"The ecological crisis, and the large-scale destruction of biodiversity, can threaten the very existence of the human species," he warned.
The pope also declared that the poor have the right to lodging, labor and land, and that human development "presupposes and requires the right to education — also for girls."
In a reference to abortion, he demanded "absolute respect for life in all its stages and dimensions," and he said that mankind must recognize a moral law that includes "the natural difference between man and woman." 

 Perhaps it is responsibility of all of us to take some steps for support this movement . Today i listed some measures and point that we can do in our surrounding and save the environment at our level :- 
  1. Plant a notion
    "Going green" doesn't have to be a daunting task that means sweeping life changes. Simple things can make a difference.
  2. Turn off computers at night
    By turning off your computer instead of leaving it in sleep mode, you can save 40 watt-hours per day. That adds up to 4 cents a day, or $14 per year. 
  3. Go vegetarian
    One less meat-based meal a week helps the planet and your diet. For example: It requires 2,500 gallons of water to produce one pound of beef. You will also also save some trees. For each hamburger that originated from animals raised on rainforest land, approximately 55 square feet of forest have been destroyed.
  4. Use both sides of paper
    American businesses throw away 21 million tons of paper every year, equal to 175 pounds per office worker. For a quick and easy way to halve this, set your printer's default option to print double-sided (duplex printing). And when you're finished with your documents, don't forget to take them to the recycling bin.
  5. . Brush without running
    You've heard this one before, but maybe you still do it. You'll conserve up to five gallons per day if you stop. Daily savings in the U.S. alone could add up to 1.5 billion gallons--more water than folks use in the Big Apple.
    The average cell phone lasts around 18 months, which means 130 million phones will be retired each year. If they go into landfills, the phones and their batteries introduce toxic substances into our environment. There are plenty of reputable programs where you can recycle your phone, many which benefit noble causes.
    Always turn off incandescent bulbs when you leave a room. Fluorescent bulbs are more affected by the number of times it is switched on and off, so turn them off when you leave a room for 15 minutes or more. You'll save energy on the bulb itself, but also on cooling costs, as lights contribute heat to a room.
    Before you throw something away, think about if someone else might need it. Either donate to a charitable organization or post it on a web site designed to connect people and things.

Try this all at home you feel very Good.

Saturday 21 September 2013


  • Memory is a biological library that we use at every  moment in our life. It is difficult to imagine what life would be like without memory. The meaning of thousands of every day perceptions, the bases for the decisions we make, and the roots of our habits and skills are to be found in our past experiences, which are brought in to the present by memory.
  • When something gets stored in the memory, it is not recorded in all its finest detail, but rather filed away under a few keywords. When we need to recall something from memory, we extract some of these keywords, and fill inthe rest by guesswork.
                   Remembering is therefore never exact.
  • Some memories seem so fresh and vivid when we recall them that we may have the impression of reliving the event exactly as it happened, but this is an illusion caused by the power of our imaginative reconstruction.
  • Memory exists not only in humans and animals but also in some physical objects and machines. Computers , for example, contain devices for storing data for later use. 
                As machines have no imaginary power and emotions, so they remember exactly what we input.

  • Doctors found that removal of or damage to the hippocampus made it impossible for patients to learn anything new, and at the same time erased memories of events within the past three years.
  • Hippocampus is not the only organ so controlling our ability to store inputs but very important part involved is the thalamus, a structure deep within the brain that receives sensory input from other portions of the nervous system and then transmits this information to the cerebral hemispheres and other parts of the brain.  

There are two kinds of memory :-
  1. Short-term
  2. Long time
Short term memory :- Short term memory holds only 5 to 7 items at a time and lasts for 60 seconds or so. Actually short-term memory can be classified into transient and slightly longer-lasting types. Transient memory is lost within seconds to minutes. where as other lasts longer from minutes to a few hours.
Long term memory :- Long term memory is the back bone of our memory system and it can be hold for whole life......

Emotions play an important part in memory. Emotions help to etch events more deeply in our memories. Any event that produces a strong emotion in us, whether negative or positive, is recalled more easily and more accurately than an emotionally neutral event.

The ease and accuracy of recall are also influenced by the mood we are in when remembering something. It is proved that when we are in a happy mood, we tend to recall pleasant events more easily and more accurately than unpleasant ones.