
Thursday 10 January 2013


Menopause simply means the end of menstruation. With few exceptions, this generally occurs between the ages 45 and 55. After menopause, a woman no longer ovualtes or produces eggs.
  • Menopause is not a disease to be dreaded. It is only a stage in the natural biological process of ageing which has to be manages with understanding and adjustments. Each  age has its attraction, magic and beauty.
  • Menopause is the last stage of a biological pocess in which the ovaries reduce their production of female hormones, estrogen and progesterone.
  • The process actually begins about 3 to 5 years before the final cessation of menstruation. This transition phase is called the climacteric, or peri-menopause.
  • Most women notice some changes in their menstrual pattern such as, shortening of cycle length, skipped menstrual periods and occasional heavy periods before menstruation finally ceases. 
  • Some women experience hot flushes, night-sweats, decreased memory, disturbed sleep and vaginal dryness.
  • Most women dread the onset of menopause because of the distressing physical symptoms associated with it, and more importantly, women feel that they, will lose their charm after menopause. It is indeed rare to find a woman growing old gracefully and still rare to find one who believes that life begins at forty.

Whenever there is a hormonal imbalance resulting in excessive menstrual bleeding, hormones are prescribed for a few months. If the problem is not resolved within a reasonable period gynaecologists recommend removal of the uterus along with the ovaries that produce female hormones.

  • A well balanced nutritious diet and regular exercise coupled with a positive attitude can help counter the distressing symptoms of hormonal imbalance at menopause.
  • Exercise regularly keeps the metabolism at a higher rate and is often helpful to counter depression anxiety, stress and weight gain.
  • Women living in rural areas are less prone to pre and post menopausal problems as compared to their urban counterparts as they accept changes that occur with advancing age more gracefully.          

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