Cure for Dibeities

Today the most dangerous and spreading disease is dibeities. Everyone know what is dibeities and every person spent their 80% of hard earning on the treatment of dibeities. But here i giving you some home made remedy which can help in cure dibeities, the typical indian ayurveda treatment :-
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Brisk Waliking :- Each diebetic should start brisk walking early in the morning for 30 minutes. Rate of walking should be 1Km per 8 Minute. Brisk walking means walk faster then walking bur slower then jogging or runnig.
Okra Water :- This is the best easiest way to reduce sugar level or even to stop insulin daily dose. Just take two okra or lady finger slice it from the centre into two parts and immerse them in a glass of drinking water. In the early morning empty stomach, dring the okra water after throwing okra . Continue this for atleast one month and see the result. You will be shocked.
Fenugreek Seeds :- In India, there is nothing without fengreek or maithi in kitchen. We indian use all types of herbs in our food and thats why we eat only healthy food. Persons who does not like okra can used fenugreek seeds. Over night soaked 10-15 fenugreek seeds hepls in preventing type 2 diebeities.
Meal combination :- Last and the best practice to cure diebeities is your meal plan through out the day. Right combination of fat, carbohydrate, protein, insulin, minerals and vitamin can cure all diseases. For diebeities , you should follow the following meal plan or include in your meal plan :-
# Nuts : You should add mixture of nuts like almonds, walnut and cashew weighing not more then 50 g in a day. Nuts are rich in essential nutrients like fiber, protein,
minerals, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, and
# Fruits : Serving of two unit of fruits should be included in your meal plan. Fruits provides you the required minerals, vitamins and protein essential for body and metabolism. A diebeitic person can eat Apple, PaPaya , Pear, Black Plum, Water Melon etc. Also you can survive only on fruits in lunch instead of other food items.
# Whole Grains : You should include whole grain in your diet like Barley, Spelt, Whole Wheat , ChickPea, oats, Corn , Whole Roye, Brown rice etc.
So, When you add this to your diet , you can reduce your blood sugar. And Smile always as it is the free medicine work in all diseases.
Feel free to discuss with me on above info .
All of us daily use this word LOVE in different ways. someone use this to describe his happiness, someone use this to describe his weakness.
According to study , it is a human emotion only like other emotions but it directly attached to your heart.
Love is like a bonding who keeps the two person in contact in bond whether actually they are thousands of KM away from each other. It acts like a force which constantly attracts each one towards other.
When you are sad or in a problem and want to leave or walk out from the situation but at the same time some force some thing stops you and pushes you to fight against the situation. That force that motivation comes from your love.
Love is a feeling . In love you think you can do anything for your love . You know that thing is not possible but still you try it for your love.
For love you want to leave every thing and from everything you want love.
it have arguments, compromise , sacrifice but at the end love is love.